Friday, 4 May 2012


I have enjoyed this project so much that as soon as I received an email about working with Bournemouth University Television Production students on a short film called Homestead. It is set in 1941 and is about evacuee children and they get sent to a farm with a lonely farmer and eventually the children and the farmer bond.
At first I was a little worried as the lovely producer, Adam Finch, Said they were starting filming on the 22nd of May after we have just handed in SDP, however, with some good time management I know this will all be fine and its too good an opportunity to miss!!
There are 4 characters;

Ruth – 16 – She’s strong willed and confident and protective, especially over her younger brother William. Even though she’s only sixteen, she demands to be treated like an adult and with respect. Though respecting of her elders, she’s not afraid to challenge them when she feels they are acting unfairly or suspicious to another. She always has everyone’s best interests at heart. She comes from a wealthy family, though she is not snobbish. She’s only human. 

Charles – 50s – He’s a very lonely, cold, ragged farmer – his only form of company is his loyal dog. His grumpiness conceals a personal tragedy, one that still haunts him after many years. Because of that, he is no longer able to connect with people. He still has a soft and sensitive side which sometimes shows when he eventually lowers his defences. He is reluctant at first to take in Ruth and William, but he does warm up to them in the end. 

William – 10 – He’s young, sweet, innocent and is yet to find his voice. He is naturally very quiet and shy and only talks with those he is most comfortable being around. He is desperate for a father figure, unknowing that his father tragically lost his life in the early days of the war. Whilst living on the farm, Charles fills that gap. He is always seen carrying a teddy bear and is naturally curious – finding himself exploring from time to time. William develops a close relationship with Charles’ dog.

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